Marcel Janus – WebLog

the long way to myself

Mitmachen: Stoppt ACTA! | Digitale Gesellschaft

Stop ACTA! LogoDurch den ganzen Medienrummel um SOPA und PIPA ist ACTA hier fast in Vergessenheit geraten. Heute wird, nach Information von, eine EU Delegation ACTA unterzeichnen.

Egal wie man zum derzeitigen Urheberrecht steht kann ich mich dem Aufruf der Digitale Gesellschaft e.V.Mitmachen: Stoppt ACTA! | Digitale Gesellschaft – nur anschließen. Der ganze Prozess entbehrt leider jeglicher demokratischer Grundlage und geht uns schon aus diesem Grund alle an.

Jeder sollte sich hierzu eine Meinung bilden. Die Digitale Gesellschaft hat hierzu eine Übersicht erstellt: Warum ist ACTA so umstritten? Und warum sich Politiker und Bürger dafür interessieren sollten!

Bitcasa Beta Zugang erhalten

Habe gestern meinen Betazugang für Bitcasa erhalten – inklusive eines nondisclosure agreement. Daher kann ich bis auf weiteres nicht viel dazuschreiben. Wer aber Interesse hat Bitcasa selbst zutesten kann sich gerne melden. Ich habe hier noch ein paar Invite Codes übrig.

Transformationen in der Kammerabranche

Nach dem ich den Artikel DSLRs are a dying breed – 3rd Gen Cameras are the Future von Trey Ratcliff gelesen hatte und und nun Kodak Insolvenz angemeldet hat denke ich das sich die Transformationsphase in der Kamerabranche noch weiter zunehmen wird. Bin mal gespannt ob es Nikon und Cannon schaffen werden mit Ihrer derzeitigen Strategie weiterhin erfolg zuhaben.

The Future Desktop

Future Desktop

Posted by on Nov 24, 2011 in technology | 0 comments

One of my favorite GeekBrief.TV moments was when we highlighted Jeff Han’s multitouch display. We showed tech that happened for real people a couple years later on iPhone.

I’m pretty sure soon, our desks will be digitized so we can manipulate our data like EXOdesk is suggesting here …

Why I can’t sleep


kudos to Guy Doyen

Exclusive: Adobe ceases development on mobile browser Flash, refocuses efforts on HTML5 | ZDNet

Exclusive: Adobe ceases development on mobile browser Flash, refocuses efforts on HTML5

By Jason Perlow | November 8, 2011, 9:17pm PST

Summary: Adobe has briefed developers on the impending cessation of mobile flash browser plugin development.

Sources close to Adobe that have been briefed on the company’s future development plans have revealed this forthcoming announcement to ZDNet:

Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR for all the major app stores. We will no longer adapt Flash Player for mobile devices to new browser, OS version or device configurations. Some of our source code licensees may opt to continue working on and releasing their own implementations. We will continue to support the current Android and PlayBook configurations with critical bug fixes and security updates.

Additionally, the e-mail briefing to Adobe’s partners has been summed up as follows:

  • Adobe is Stopping development on Flash Player for browsers on mobile.

Adobe is now focusing their development efforts on:

  • Applications for mobile
  • Expressive content on the desktop (in and out of browser)
  • Increasing their investments in HTML5 in general

The full content and scope of the announcement is expected to be posted on the Adobe web site in the next day.

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More from “Tech Broiler”

Jason Perlow+, Sr. Technology Editor at ZDNet, is a technologist with over two decades of experience integrating large heterogeneous multi-vendor computing environments in Fortune 500 companies.


Jason Perlow

My Full-Time Employer is IBM. I write as a freelancer for ZDNet.

Disclaimer: The postings and opinions on this blog are my own and don’t necessarily represent IBM’s positions, strategies or opinions.

I own no investments or direct financial instruments in the companies I write about.


Jason Perlow

Jason Perlow, Sr. Technology Editor at ZDNet is a technologist with over two decades of experience with integrating large heterogeneous multi-vendor computing environments in Fortune 500 companies. A long-time computer enthusiast starting the age of 13 with his first Apple ][ personal computer, he began his freelance writing career starting at ZD Sm@rt Reseller in 1996 and has since authored numerous guest columns for ZDNet Enterprise and Ziff-Davis Internet. Jason was previously Senior Technology Editor for Linux Magazine, where he wrote about Open Source issues from 1999 to 2008.

In his spare time, Jason is an avid amateur chef and food writer, where his work reviewing New Jersey restaurants has appeared in The New York Times. He is also the founder of the popular food web site eGullet and blogs about restaurants and cooking at

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